Weight Gain and Topline

What is Weight Gain and Topline?

Weight loss can occur for many reasons and once it has been identified, it should be a simple matter of feeding the horse a diet in energy and good quality pasture. The most common cause will be simply not enough total feed, including forages being fed however other causes may include ulcers, problems with teeth, hyperactivity in the paddock/fence walking or a serious health issue.

Oil is useful in weight gain diets, especially when the horse does not have a big appetite.


Pryde's EasiFeed Products That Can Help


When to use this feed

Use BioMare Cubes when additional energy and high quality protein are needed to encourage weight gain and muscle building.

Feed it With

Feed BioMare Cubes at a rate of 1/2 to 1 kg/100 kg of body weight per day with 1 kg/100 kg body weight per day of lucern hay plus free access to good quality grass, hay or pasture.


When to use this feed

Add ReBuild to any diet where additional weight gain and topline is needed.

Feed it With

ReBuild is not a complete feed. It should be fed where additional energy and protein is needed as part of a balanced diet.

When to use this feed

Add 1/4 to 3 cups of EasiOil to any diet where a cool source of energy for additional weight gain and condition is needed.

Feed it With

EasiOil should be fed as part of a balanced diet where additional weight gain is needed.


Other Tips

For the best results with weight gain, horses should have access to as much pasture or grass hay as they can eat.

Lucerne hay should be fed at 1 kg/100 kg of body weight per day.

Treat ulcers, dental problems or other underlying issues that may be causing weight loss.

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